Line by Line

Art Gallery: Still on the Train Watercolor

Still on the Train Watercolor image

This is another experiment. I'd planned on coloring this piece digitally, but I suddenly got the urge to try out watercolors. So this ended up being my project for summer 2011. (I'd have scanned it sooner, but I didn't have a scanner that wouldn't mess up the colors.)

Since my focus was on the paint, I didn't correct any of the anatomy issues from the original linework. Speaking of linework, you'll notice there's a pencil outline here, too. that's from transferring the image to the watercolor paper. I didn't realize that it would be so visible (I meant it to be lighter, and the paint ended up more transparent than I expected), but I kinda like it.

The scan did bring out the texture of the paper a little bit, but it's actually pretty close to being that obvious in person. Also, I did my best to flatten out the paper to scan it, but you can still see a wrinkle toward the bottom left. The takeaway? I need a lot more practice with watercolors.

Also, I don't really know what a train looks like from the inside. It's, um, from the future. That explains it. ...Yeah.

There's a larger version that does look a little better. View full-size version. Also see this image on deviantArt.

This image is tagged with: 2011, anthro, colored, fox, Sam, and watercolor.

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